Helpful resources and answers to common questions

What is the Mental Health Services Act?

California voters passed the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), Proposition 63, in November 2004. It became state law on January 1, 2005. The far-reaching Act raises money to support the state’s mental health programs through a 1 percent tax on personal incomes above $1 million. It also created the Behavioral Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (BHSOAC) to drive transformational change across the state’s public and private mental health systems.

How do I contact the Commission?

You can contact us via phone at (916) 500-0577, email at bhsoac@bhsoac.ca.gov, postal mail at 1812 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811, or the Contact Us section on our website.

Where can I find information for Commission and committee meetings?

Details of Commission and committee meetings are on our meetings and events pages.

Who are the members of the Behavioral Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission?

The Commission currently consists of 16 members appointed by the Governor and other elected officials. The About section of our website contains current Commissioner biographies.

How do I sign up to receive announcements and updates from the Commission?

Visit our email newsletter sign-up page to sign up to receive email announcements about meetings, reports, RFAs and RFPs, and more.

What is the process for making public comments?

  • Send your comments via email to bhsoac@bhsoac.ca.gov.
  • Make public comments at Commission meetings by filling out public comment cards available at our staff table.
  • Submit your comments in writing to our business office.
  • During remote meetings conducted on Zoom, make comments on the phone or through Zoom. Instructions for making comments during meetings are listed in the agenda of every meeting. Agendas are posted for each meeting are posted on the events page.

How do I find services in my county?

You may want to contact your local mental health department. You can find information at the CA Department of Health Care Services.

How do I get involved with MHSA programs?

County-Level – Each county has a designated MHSA county coordinator. Visit the following link for a list of MHSA County Coordinators.

How do I submit a California Public Records Act request?

Requests may be made orally, via email, or in writing whether or not the request refers to the Public Records Act. It is helpful for the request to refer to the Public Records Act. Please review the following document for the procedures for accessing public records from the Commission (click here for the Procedure document).

What are 3-year plans?

  • Welfare and Institutions (WIC) Code Section § 5891 states that MHSA funds may only be used to pay for MHSA programs.
  • WIC § 5847 requires county mental health programs to prepare and submit to the Commission a 3-year Program and Expenditure Plan, as well as Annual Updates for MHSA programs and expenditures. These plans and updates shall be available for public review and comment for 30 days. County mental health boards are required to hold public hearings on draft 3-year program and expenditure plans at the close of the 30-day comment period.

County Boards of Supervisors must adopt plans and annual updates and submit them to the Commission within 30 days of adoption.

  • WIC § 5848 states that a mental health board shall conduct public hearings on a draft 3-year program and expenditure plan at the close of the 30-day period.

What is Triage?

Triage programs employ county personnel to connect people who are in crisis with appropriate services so they can stabilize and recover. Major goals of triage strategies include avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and incarcerations. Triage programs are provided in shelters, jails, clinics, and hospital emergency rooms.

How do I receive updates from the Commission with information that is relevant to counties?

Please email bhsoac@bhsoac.ca.gov with “Subscribe to Counties” in the subject line. Include your name, county, and the email address at which you would like to receive updates.