During this module guest speaker Dr. Stephen T. Russell provided an overview of the scientific consensus around suicide in LGBTQ+ youth: What we know, and what we still need to know. Dr. Russell walked participants through a developmental understanding of contemporary... Read MoreRead more about Striving for Zero Learning Collaborative Online Module #11: Understanding LGBTQ+ Youth and Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is always a challenge for communities. But the coronavirus pandemic, coupled with the stress that often accompanies the holiday season, are exacerbating the threat for many Californians as 2020 draws to a close. Last spring, MHSOAC Research... Read MoreRead more about Suicide Prevention Focus of PBS Show
In November of 2019, the California Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission released a strategic plan to reduce suicide and suicidal behavior in the Golden State. It was a key milestone for the Commission, capping months of research, public... Read MoreRead more about Now for the Hard Part: Putting California’s Suicide Prevention Plan into Action
In the months since COVID-19 blindsided our world, virtually everything in our everyday lives has changed. Families are mourning the unexpected loss of loved ones. Businesses have closed. Californians who suddenly found themselves jobless are struggling to make ends... Read MoreRead more about Suicide Prevention: It’s More Critical than Ever During the Pandemic