Transparency Suite

Full Service Partnerships

Demonstrating the value of a cross-organizational and multi-services approach to mental wellness

The Full Service Partnership (FSP) philosophy is to do “whatever it takes” to help individuals achieve their goals.

The Full Service Partnership (FSP) Demographic Dashboard provides an overview of persons enrolled in an active FSP by fiscal year. A consistent end date is created from either the reported end date or a calculated end date. The calculated end date is created for partnerships who are no longer reporting services but not exited from their partnership in the DCR. This is calculated as 305 days since the last Key Event Tracker (KET) or Quarterly Report (3M). A person can potentially have multiple partnerships throughout their treatment. The Commission linked different partnerships that belong to the same person.

The dashboard contains three sections: (1) an overview section that looks at aggregated data for all FSP clients by fiscal year, (2) a regional section that looks at aggregated data for FSP clients by age group, region, fiscal year and demographic category, and (3) a county section that looks at aggregated data for FSP clients by age group, county, fiscal year and demographic category. Data is presented for the percentage of the total population represented by the chosen demographic category. Users can hover over an individual bar to see the person count and a time-series line graph for that particular category.

All data as of 7/1/24 extract received from DHCS. Demographics for FSP participants are added from DCR and CSI records. As of this extract, some counties have not reported recent years of CSI data.

Key Findings/Highlights

Based on County reported FSP start and calculated end dates, the number of Partnerships has risen slightly over the last decade, up from nearly 39K Partnerships in FY 2013-14 to nearly 46K Partnerships in FY 2022-23.
While the most recent year’s data is incomplete, the proportion of children age 0-15 has increased over the past decade, FY 2013-14 to FY 2022-23, from 23.4% to 29.6%.