
Client & Family Leadership Committee

The Client and Family Leadership Committee is made up of peer providers, consumers, family members, and representatives from diverse populations. It explores best practices in implementing Peer Support Specialist Certification by interacting with representatives of other states that have launched certification processes in the past.

The Committee works with the Department of Health Care Services to support the creation of program standards that protect the unique work of peer providers in our mental health system and ensure that the skills of peer providers are appropriately included in local mental health plans.

Read more about the Client and Family Leadership Committee at its web page.

Cultural and Linguistic Competency Committee

The Cultural and Linguistic Competency Committee focuses on understanding inequities in California’s mental health system and identifying strategies to achieve equity. This work includes providing input on the Commission’s Racial Equity Action Plan, which is being developed by Commission staff who are participating in the Capitol Collaborative on Race and Equity (CCORE), a racial equity capacity-building program for State employees.

The Committee will identify ways to document and communicate inequities in California’s mental health system, highly model programs and other promising initiatives, and push for reforms to existing policies and practices.

Read more about the Cultural and Linguistic Competency Committee at its web page.

Research and Evaluation Committee

The Research and Evaluation Committee, comprised of a diverse, interdisciplinary group of experts, provides guidance and expertise that reflects a broader understanding of the opportunity for driving transformational change using research to improve prevention and innovation, as well as mental health services and supports. The Research and Evaluation Committee supports the Commission in reaching its strategic goals and ensuring that information disseminated is timely, accurate, and useful to improving community wellness and client recovery.

Read more about the Research and Evaluation Committee at its web page.

Upcoming Meetings

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Past Meetings

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